Scientists’ Credibility Hurt by Crying Wolf



We have all heard so-called climate experts warn of looming catastrophes for decades. The problem is the Aesop's Fables’ tale concerning a shepherd boy who twice fooled villagers into thinking a wolf was attacking the town's flock of sheep. When an actual wolf appears, and the boy calls for help, the villagers believing that it is another false alarm, ignore the boy’s calls. The result is the sheep are killed by the wolf.

How America Revolutionized the World


I previously wrote a column documenting that, as a result of our technological developments, America has revolutionized the world. American inventions include the record player, telegraph, telephone, electric light bulb, television, tape recorder, motion-picture projector, electrification of the nation (before this time the only source of electricity was by large, inefficient, batteries), mass production assembly line, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), most vaccines, to list a few of hundreds of examples.

Walking Out During a Sermon


In the past 40 years I have presented over 400 sermons on apologetics. Apologetics is the science of giving reasons for the Christian faith based on history, science, and facts. The study of apologetics is central to building a foundation for the Christian faith. It is a rational response against the objections that people bring up against Christianity. Most philosophy textbooks have a section on why people reject God. One of the main reasons is because so much evil exists in the world. This is a problem that all religious traditions must deal with.

Having No Fossil Fuels Will Take Us Back to the Stone Age


When I awake in the morning, the first thing I do is shave with my Norelco shaver, holding the plastic case made from petroleum. I then take my blood-pressure medicine, which is made from petroleum, held in plastic containers, also made from petroleum. To take my medicine, I drink water purified by a petroleum product out of a plastic cup made from petroleum.