The Resurgence of Nazism in Academia


The first Palestinian peace for land demand resulted in Israel giving away  90 percent of the land that the United Nations agreement allotted them. But no peace. Now the Palestinians demand the remaining ten percent. Israel’s thin sliver of land is now close to the smallest nation on Earth. Activists have been supporting the Palestinian position for decades, but the Hamas attack of October 7, 2024,  and the Israel-Gaza War, brought renewed urgency to the issue.

The Israeli Arab population was 2.1 million in 2023, the majority of which identify as Arab or Palestinian by nationality and Israeli by citizenship. The Palestinians want only the Jews out, either dead, or at the very least, to leave their country where they have lived for over 2,000 years. Where could they go? Hitler faced the same problem, and when the U.S. and other countries would not accept Jews, Hitler concluded that his only choice was to exterminate them. So the Nazi’s murdered six million Jews.

As of 2023, Jews worldwide total 15.7 million, approximately 0.2% of the 8 billion persons comprising the world’s population. Israel hosts the largest Jewish population in the world, 7.2 million, followed by the United States, 6.3 million. Yet this 0.2 percent has changed the world. Without the Jew named Karl Landsteiner’s brilliant research on blood transfusions, major surgery would be impossible. Without the Jew named Paul Ehrlich’s research, chemotherapy would not be possible. Without the Jew Rosaland Franklin, the Genetic Revolution would not have occurred. Without the Jew Fritz Haber, we would not have enough food to support our existing world population. Without the work of Jewish scientist Lise Meitner, the Germans would have produced the first atomic bomb. If the Jew Albert Einstein was never born, most of our modern electronics, including cell phones, DVRs, and computers, would not exist. Without The Jew Ernst Chain, we would not have penicillin and most other antibiotics. Without The Jew Hans Krebs, we would not have understood food metabolism required to treat intestinal illness. Without the Jew Hans Albrecht Bethe, we would not have understood nuclear physics, astrophysics, quantum electrodynamics, and solid-state physics required to create our modern world. And the Jew Sigmund Freud opened up the workings of the human brain. This year alone four Jews were awarded Nobel Prizes in Physics, Economics, Literature, and Medicine. Although a mere 0.2 percent of the world population, Jews were awarded nearly a quarter of the world’s most prestigious prizes, the Nobel. Of the millions of highly educated people in the world, the Nobel award was dominated by Jews for generations.

Israel built their country in a desert surrounded by hostile neighbors, yet have managed to change the world by their technological advances in medicine and industry, even today. As Genesis 12 prophesied: “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; …  I will bless those who bless you, and ….  all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Without hate, the Palestinians would welcome them as neighbors, and work with them to build their nation.

Unfortunately, unmitigated hate by the Palestinians will now largely destroy Gaza. According to the official death toll, hate has so far resulted in 35 thousand deaths in Gaza, and 1,410 Israeli deaths, including 224 humanitarian aid workers and 179  journalists. Gaza was part of Israel from 1967 until 2005 when Israel gave it up in another failed land for peace deal. Israel withdrew its troops in 2005, forcing Israelis to leave Gaza and their thriving businesses behind. Most import, Judaism fathered both Christianity and Islam, religions consisting of over 4.3 billion people, almost 60 percent of the world’s population. I found it ironic when, after a pogrom against Jews, on Sunday the Christian perpetrators study a book they venerate because they believe it was inspired by God, of which 97 percent was written by Jews.

Student Demonstrations

In America, thousands of students are demanding “from the river to the sea” meaning eradication of Jews from their country. Some were carrying Nazi flags, yelling, “finish what Hitler didn’t complete.” Others are yelling “Death to America,” demanding that America stop supporting Israel, cut ties with Israeli academic institutions, and disinvest from Israel-linked organizations. Others are chanting: “A Free Palestine in our Lifetime" meaning all remaining Jews must be driven out. More than 500 persons have been arrested at college protests in the past week. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who directed state troopers to take protesters into custody at UT-Austin, demanded that “students joining in hate-filled, anti-Semitic protests at any college in Texas will be expelled.”

I have spent most of my life in academia and have become increasingly discouraged at what I have seen. Thousands of students, inflamed with hate against Jews, are spouting slogans that stem from gross ignorance and a lack of basic knowledge about the situation as it currently exists. Education teaches, or should teach, before you open your mouth, learn about the issue, read articles, and books; at the least check Wikipedia. It does not appear that these students attending prestigious institutions have bothered to do even this.