The Main Goals of the Creation Movement

Some of us have in the past noted the goals of some creation movements appear not to support what most of us regard as important and/or are sometimes even contrary to the main goals of the movement. For this reason, several of us in the creation movement have attempted to draft a set of goals that can be useful in focusing our energies toward the heart of our concerns.

The ‘Main Goal’ 

The ‘Main Goal’ of the creation movement is to remove the philosophical and/or scientific obstacles to accepting Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5), especially those obstacles regarding the foundational worldview issue of origins. A major well-documented reason for rejecting both Christianity and creationism is the acceptance of evolutionism (Bergman, 2019a). Before Darwin, virtually every Western naturalist and other highly educated persons were creationists. As I have documented in six books and over a thousand articles, after the time of Darwin, the vast majority of scientists have become evolutionists and most leading scientists are now functional atheists (Bergman, 2019a, 2019b, 2020a, 2023, 2023c, 2023d). Considering Christ is for them, in most cases, not even a viable option. This barrier must be removed to consider the theological option. These obstacles undermine the authority of scripture, and thereby undermine the entire gospel message and all its associated teachings. Thus the main goal of the Creation Movement is to restore a confidence in the authoritative nature of scripture and uphold the truth that scripture is true in all that in affirms, including and particularly in regards to the origins of all things. The creation movement achieves this by defending the truth of the scriptures both scientifically and rationally, particularly with regards to all the accounts of origins described in Genesis 1-11. This includes the correct Biblical views of:

  •  The origin of all life and its necessary components (the creation of matter, energy, information)
  •  The origin of Man requiring refuting the evolution story and accepting the Adamic origins.
  •  The origin of the sexes (of which there are only two) requiring refuting the evolution story and accepting the Adam and Eve account (Bergman, 2020b).
  •  The origin of Sin (Which is necessarily before death)
  •  The origin of Death (And God’s cure)
  •  The origin of the Universe (Stars and Planets) disproving the evolutionary account
  •  The Age of the earth and the universe (A young earth with no “gap” between Gen 1.1 and 1.2) and disproving the evolutionary account.
  •  Evidence for a Global flood (and its myriads of evidences)
  •  The origin of people groups and disproving the evolutionary account. (Bergman, 2020)
  •  The origin of Language by disproving the evolutionary account (Bergman, 1981)

How this ‘Main Goal’ is achieved 

  1. Document the fact that evolution has never happened, and could never have happened, by showing that the false claims of abiogenesis, natural selection, and random mutations actually effectively disprove Darwinism. This is also true of the other pillars of evolution, including homology, convergent evolution, endosymbiosis, and the useless organ and poor-design claims (Bergman, 2017a, 2019c, 2019d, 2019e, 2022, 2022a).
  2. Focus on human evolution, the major concern affecting belief in Adam and Eve and original sin (Bergman, et al., 2020; Bergman, 2023b).
  3. Document the harm that Darwinism has done in society (the breakdown of morals, racism, Nazism, Communism, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korea, etc.) (Bergman, 2012, 2017, 2019, 2020a, 2021, 2023a, 2023c). The reason for this focus is many Christians do not see believing in both creation and evolution as a problem.
  4. Build the case for creationism by documenting the impossibility of molecules-to-man evolution and the evidence for design in the natural world as supported by concepts such as irreducible complexity of function and interdependence of structure.
  5. Defend historical events that impact on the Bible, such as a recent creation and the reality of the worldwide Flood of Genesis 6-8.
  6. Support our co-workers in the creation movement, especially those who face opposition which results in impediments in earning their livelihood (Bergman, 2012a, 2018, 2019). This includes academics denied degrees or terminated due to their heterodox conclusions about origins.
Jerry Bergman


Bergman, J. 1981. "Is Language an Exclusive Ability of Man?" Creation Research Society Quarterly, 17(4): 214-216, 226, March.

Bergman, 2012. Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview: How the Nazi Eugenic Crusade for a Superior Race Caused the Greatest Holocaust in World History. Joshua Press, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

Bergman, J. 2012a. Slaughter of the Dissidents: The Shocking Truth About Killing the Careers of Darwin Doubters. Leafcutter Press, Southworth, WA.

Bergman, J. 2017. C.S. Lewis: Anti-Darwinist: A Careful Examination of the Development of His Views on Darwinism. Wipf & Stock Publishers, Eugene Oregon.

Bergman, J. 2017a. Evolution’s Blunders, Frauds and Forgeries. CMI Publishing, Atlanta, GA.

Bergman, J. 2018. Silencing the Darwin Skeptics: The War Against Theists. Leafcutter Press, Southworth, WA;

Bergman, J. 2019. Censoring the Darwin Skeptics: How Belief in Evolution is Enforced by Eliminating Dissidents. Leafcutter Press, Southworth, WA.

Bergman, J. 2019a. Darwinism is the Doorway to Atheism: Why Creationists Become Evolutionists. Leafcutter Press, Southworth, WA.

Bergman, J. 2019b. Science is the Doorway to Creation: Nobel Laureates and Other Eminent Scientists Who Reject Orthodox Darwinism. Leafcutter Press, Southworth, WA.

Bergman, J. 2019c. Fossil Forensics: Separating Fact from Fantasy in Paleontology. Bartlett Publishing, Tulsa, OK.

Bergman, J. 2019d. Poor Design: An Invalid Argument Against Intelligent Design. Bartlett Publishing, Tulsa, OK.

Bergman, J. 2019e. Useless Organs: The Rise and Fall of a Central Claim of Evolution. Bartlett Publishing, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Bergman, J., et al. 2020. Apes as Ancestors: Examining the Claims About Human Evolution. Bartlett Publishing, Tulsa, OK.

Bergman, J. 2020a. How Darwinism Corrodes Morality: Darwinism, Immorality, Abortion, and the Sexual Revolution. Joshua Press, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

Bergman, J. 2020b. Review of Darwin’s Secret Sex Problem: Exposing Evolution’s Fatal Flaw—The Origin of Sex by F. LaGard Smith Journal of Creation. 34(2):21-24. 2020.

Bergman, J. 2021. Darwinian Eugenics and the Holocaust: American Industrial Involvement. Involgo Press, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

Bergman, J. 2022. The Last Pillars of Evolution Falsified: Further Evidence Proving Darwinian Evolution Wrong. WestBow Division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan, Bloomington, IN.

Bergman, J. 2022a. The Three Pillars of Evolution Demolished: Why Darwin Was Wrong. WestBow Division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan, Bloomington, IN.

Bergman, J. 2023. C.S. Lewis’ War Against Scientism and Naturalism. Cantaro Press, Ontario, Canada.

Bergman, J. 2023a. Darwin’s Replacement: Summary Edition. Lifetime Reference Guides, Inc., West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Bergman, J. 2023b. The Methodist Darwin Syndrome: Consequences of Adopting Darwinian Theology. Looking Glass River Publishing, Lansing, MI.

Bergman, J. 2023c. The Other Side of the Scopes Trial. Wipf & Stock Publishers, Eugene, Oregon.

Endorsements (my goal is 200)

  • Ted Siek PhD
  • George Howe PhD
  • David Bassett MS
  • David Menton PhD
  • Dianne Bergman BS
  • Wes Smith, BS
  • David Bassett MA
  • Douglas Sharp BS
  • Duane Caldwell
  • Ken Funk PhD